Resources for Students & Post-Docs

Welcome to the Resources for Students & Post-Docs page of AED’s website. Here we highlight many of the benefits of student membership and make it easy for you to access information that can be useful to students and post-docs alike.

Membership Benefits

Access our Virtual Library of Educational Webinars to learn about current practices and research within the Eating Disorder Community.

Member Directory 
This member benefit can help to connect you to colleagues and professionals in the field.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 
AED's Special Interest Groups allow individuals with shared interests to discuss and collaborate on specific issues within the eating disorder field. There is a Student SIG, which helps students from around the world connect. As a member, you can be a part of as many SIGs as desired.

AED Community 
The Community offers networking, referral exchanges, and timely dissemination and discussion of relevant information. It is a great way to keep a finger on the pulse of the eating disorder field: ask colleagues for information and advice; give information of general interest to listserv participants, or reply in person to requests for help. 

Scholarships and Grants
AED offers several opportunities for students to receive research funding or support for attending the annual meeting.

  • Student/Early Career Investigator/Clinical Trainee Travel Scholarship
  • Scholarship for Clinicians and Researchers Under-Represented within the AED
  • Scholarship for People from Low/Middle Income Countries
  • Expert by Experience Scholarship
  • RSH Scholarship
  • Student Research Grant

International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED) 
AED offers student pricing for the annual conference.  This is a good way to connect and meet other investigators/clinicians, etc.

International Journal for Eating Disorders  (IJED)
This is the official journal of the AED. Published by Wiley monthly online and bi-monthly in print. CE credits are available for reading specific featured articles. It is a great resource for research and academic writing.

Get Involved

Volunteer at International Conference for Eating Disorders 
AED invites students to apply to volunteer at ICED for a reduced registration fee. It is a great way to give back to the organization and meet other members, including student volunteers.

Mentorship Program
AED is committed to facilitating mentoring relationships for members at the annual ICED. AED pairs interested AED members with more seasoned AED members (based on interests) at a “meet and greet” social event, which provides an opportunity for members to receive short-term (and potentially lasting) mentorship from experienced AED leaders. Students are encouraged to sign up to become a mentee during the general ICED registration process.

Volunteer Committees
Members are encouraged to apply to join committees that interest them. It is a great way to meet other members and give back to the organization and growing professionally. View AED standing committees »

Training opportunities

Check out the AED online community for current training opportunities.

Current Research Studies 

To aid in recruitment, student members can post IRB-approved research study. View list of research studies here.


AED produces a number of eating disorders-focused publications, such as our Medical Care Standards Guide and the Nine Truths about Eating Disorders in many languages.