Social & Economic Cost of EDs

Social & Economic Cost of Eating Disorders

Please check back periodically as we aim to add more information about the social and economic cost of eating disorders on a global level.

US STRIPED Deloitte/AED Report

UK Report

The Cost of Eating Disorders  in the UK 2019 and 2020

Access the Report Here!

The report, analyzed by Ernst and Young, produced with The Hearts Minds and Genes Coalition, was co-authored by Hope Virgo, Dr Gerome Breen, and Dr Agnes Ayton.

US Cost of Beauty Report

The Real Cost of Beauty Ideals

This report, created through a collaboration of the Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP) and the Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders: A Public Health Incubator (STRIPED), analyzed the impact of body image dissatisfaction and appearance-based discrimination on individuals, as well as the economic cost and overall impact on society.

For more information, please see their website.

Read the Report

Infographic from the study

Australian Report

Butterfly Report

Access the Report Here!

Paying the Price: The Social and Economic Cost of Eating Disorders in Australia. A partnership between Deloitte Access Economics and The Butterfly Foundation for Eating Disorders.