The Cost of Eating Disorders in the UK 2019 and 2020Access the Report Here!The report, analyzed by Ernst and Young, produced with The Hearts Minds and Genes Coalition, was co-authored by Hope Virgo, Dr Gerome Breen, and Dr Agnes Ayton.
The Real Cost of Beauty IdealsThis report, created through a collaboration of the Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP) and the Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders: A Public Health Incubator (STRIPED), analyzed the impact of body image dissatisfaction and appearance-based discrimination on individuals, as well as the economic cost and overall impact on society.For more information, please see their website.
Butterfly ReportAccess the Report Here!Paying the Price: The Social and Economic Cost of Eating Disorders in Australia. A partnership between Deloitte Access Economics and The Butterfly Foundation for Eating Disorders.
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